Helping Children Recognize How We Are All Connected

Helping Children Recognize How We Are All Connected

The Hole in the Boat

The illusion of separation is everywhere. Political, racial, religious, and environmental. We need to help our children understand how, in reality, and energetically, we are all connected. Begin by explaining how our actions affect not only my life and my experiences but others and the whole world.

When watching the video, answering the reflective questions, and doing the art project, be gentle with your child; the purpose of this lesson is to help your child feel empowered and see the beauty of our connectedness. Guilt and shame are never helpful.

This video and activity are from Class 12 in our Level One course: Winning in the Game of Life.

We hope you and your child/ren enjoy this:

Reflect with your child/ren:

  • Why did Simon get in trouble and was sent to his room?
  • How did Simon feel when everyone else was having fun without him?
  • What idea did Simon come up with while he was in his room?
  • What did Simon realize about his actions and their impact on others?
  • How does the story of “A Hole in the Boat” teach us about interconnectedness
  • How can our small actions affect others around us
  • What can we do to create a positive impact on our environment and community?

Create your own boat:

Boat origami art project

In this activity, your child will craft a visual reminder of how we are all connected. Metaphorically we are all in one boat, and what we do in our own home and our words and actions are affecting not only ourselves but also others and the world.

8×11 colored paper
Markers to decorate

Parent Instructions:
Lead your child through the following nine steps to create their own origami boats.

Learn more about our full curriculum:

Our step-by-step social emotional learning curriculum teaches children 8-12 years old how to understand and manage their emotions while equipping them with the tools to boost their confidence and ignite their compassion for others. Embark on a multimedia adventure in two levels filled with creative exercises and relatable characters all from the comfort of your own home.

In Level One, Ari is a young, idealistic boy with a sarcastic side that gets him into trouble when he visits Mr. Why’s toy store. Mr. Why sees an eagerness to learn within Ari and gives him a special game called “The Game of Life.” Ari finds himself trapped in an alternate universe where he needs to learn the rules of the game in order to get back home.

Children’s Program



In Level Two, Ari and his friend Gabby are on a whole new adventure traveling through a variety of exciting worlds where they will learn about cause and effect, judgment, the power of words, and appreciation among many other concepts. They will face a lot of challenges, but have Mr. Why and other guides to help them along the way.

Children’s Program




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Join our mailing list to get articles, news and practical tips on how to develop spiritual and emotional intelligence for the whole family.

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