Children’s Program2023-11-14T09:49:14-08:00

Our award-winning online Spiritual Social-Emotional Education Program includes two levels of learning: Winning in the Game of Life™ and Exploring the Journey of Life™. The program is designed for children ages 7-12 and is proven to improve their behavior and outlook on life from the comfort of your home.

Helping children to manage their emotions while gaining the skills to boost their confidence, ignite their compassion for others, and much more.

Helping children to live by their inner compass, set goals, understand cause and effect, the power of their words, and much more.

Levels 1 and 2
Levels 1 and 2

Purchase Levels One + Two

To enquiry about scholarship, click here

Would you rather someone else teach your children? No problem! We can match you with an SFK Certified Facilitator! Learn more here

Would you rather someone else teach your children?

No problem!

We can match you with an SFK Certified Facilitator! Learn more here

Free Animated Lessons

Free Animated Lessons

Check out our free lessons; they not only have a relatable animation but a set of activities to dive deeper into the concept and ignite creativity and self-reflection.

The videos and activities are suitable for ages 7-11 and anyone who wants to connect with their inner child.

In these engaging video and creative activities, our children will understand the power of words. They will witness the impact of gossip and rumors and learn how to replace hurtful words with helpful words.

Free Animations


This short animation is about the two opposite inner voices inside our heads that often drive us nuts and confuse us— a story about overcoming fears and insecurities and the bravery to shine our Light.

Free Animations


An inspiring small story about big feelings and a loss of a loved one. And how to find the power within to overcome, stay true to yourself, and find inspiration. 

Free Animations


Free Resources: Video and Activities

Free Resources: Videos and Activities

Other languages

Other languages

Para el Curso en Español, haz clic acá

התוכנית משלבת בין הקניית כלים לניהול רגשות יחד עם מיומנויות לחיזוק הביטחון העצמי, החיבור ביניהם הוא מה שמעורר בילדים את החמלה כלפי אחרים ואף הרבה יותר מזה

Dans le premier niveau, Ari est un jeune garçon idéaliste avec un côté sarcastique qui lui attire des ennuis quand il visite le magasin de jouets de M. Pourquoi. Ari se retrouve piégé dans un univers alterné où il doit apprendre les règles du jeu pour pouvoir rentrer chez lui.

في المستوى الأول، آري صبي صغير، هو صبي مثالي وساخر، تقوده سخريته للمشاكل وذلك عند زيارته متجر الألعاب الخاص في السيد لماذا. يلاحظ السيد لماذا الرغبة والدافعية في التعلم عند آري لذلك يقوم بإعطائه لعبة خاصة تدعى “الفوز في لعبة الحياة.” آري يجد نفسه فجأة محاصراً في عالم بديل يتوجب عليه تعلم قواعد اللعبة من أجل العودة الى المنزل

في المستوى الثاني آري وصديقه غابي أمامهما مغامرة جديدة وعليهم خوضها من خلال التنقل عبر مجموعة متنوعة من العوالم المثيرة حيث سوف يتعلمون حول السبب والنتيجة، الحكم، قوة الكلمات والتقدير من خلال المفاهيم الأخرى. سوف يواجهون العديد من التحديات، لكن السيد لماذا ومجموعة من الأدلة الأخرى سوف تكون موجودة لمساعدتهم على طول الطريق

No Nível Um, Ari é um menino jovem e idealista com um lado sarcástico que o coloca em apuros quando visita a loja de brinquedos do Sr. Porquê. Ari se encontra preso em um universo paralelo, onde precisa aprender as regras do jogo para voltar para casa.

To enquiry about scholarship, click here

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