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Greatness has no scores or ratings

Our children are constantly bombarded on TV and social media with images and stories of ‘success.’ Popular success is measured superficially by money, fame, and provocation, often ignoring the compromise of morality it took to achieve it. It seems as if it doesn’t matter how you got there as long as you did. This kind of representation leaves our children feeling inadequate and weakens the value of virtue.

How can we help our children understand success from a spiritual point of view?

True success is long-term, and it is never harmful. It is the ability to embody the Light and qualities coming from our soul, like being honest, delaying gratification, avoiding avoidance, having a grateful heart, overcoming fear, forgiving, helping a person in need, and, at times, being a warrior to defend the Light.

To help our children understand the concept of long-term and true success at SFK Level One curriculum, Winning in The Game of Life, we help them understand and feel how they win every time they choose to listen and follow their True Voice while ignoring the loud noise voice of their challenging voice (the Opponent Voice).

It is less important WHAT you do; it is more important HOW you are doing it. How you act in every moment and situation becomes your opportunity for success and shine your greatness.


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    Join our mailing list to get articles, news and practical tips on how to develop spiritual and emotional intelligence for the whole family.

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