Helping children understand the benefit of making an effort

Helping children understand the benefit of making an effort

This video is for children, but it is an important reminder of the power and benefit of making an effort for us, parents, and teachers just as much. Too often, we, the adults, tend to “save” our children from any discomfort, from feeling any pain or continuing with a challenging task.

But facing a challenge and going out of the comfort zone are what strengthen the inner muscles that make us feel capable, worthy and bring fulfillment.

We can be compassionate by validating and acknowledging the challenge but at the same time stay away from rescuing and doing it for them.

Few questions to reflect on:

  • Where do I overprotect my children?
  • What did I noticed about my child/ren’s attitude when I do that?
  • Recall a time your child/ren overcame something (a fear, a difficult school task, a physical challenge) — what did you notice about their mood and level of satisfaction?


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