SFK brought to seniors
in San Luis Potosi, Mexico
by Almen Rojas, Spanish Language Facilitator Trainer
translated from Spanish
“All grown-ups were once children… but only a few of them remember it”
― The Little Prince

translated from Spanish
Some people think that when they reach a certain age, they can no longer have dreams, goals, hopes, and they start to lose the desire to live.
However, that is not the case, when we are able to stay connected with our inner child and our true selves, that is when the magic happens, and we are reminded of who we are and that it’s never too late to live our dreams and achieve our goals. Sometimes it only takes a little push for us to wake up and for the magic to happen.
And this happened to a beautiful group of 20 elderly women and 2 men in San Luis Potosi, called Bendecida Juventud (Blessed Youth).

Every Wednesday, they get together at their little place to gather and create bonds, sometimes to avoid feeling lonely, to meet new people, or just to have a space to be together, laugh, and have a good time.
On this occasion, the magic of reminiscing and connecting with their inner child came through the SFK Program, Winning the Game of Life. Demonstrating how the flexibility of a beautiful curriculum designed for children can be brought to people of any age and make a great impact in these beautiful people’s lives by reminding them of their inner child, who is sometimes very hidden.
Going back in time to remind them of the goals they left behind, recalling the times when they felt the Light fully and how it has always been there,
by feeling how worthy they are to share and fill this world with their Light and talents, and how each one of them is unique.
Going back in time to remind them of the goals they left behind, recalling the times when they felt the Light fully and how it has always been there, by feeling how worthy they are to share and fill this world with their Light and talents, and how each one of them is unique.
A lovely group of Seniors in San Luis Potosí, Mexico going through The Winning in the Game of Life Course.
For me and my friend Vero, being with them every week to share the lessons of this beautiful program that I love so much, sharing their experiences, listening and being there for them while learning from those who have more wisdom (even though they may not believe it) is a great gift. To continue planting tiny seeds that beautifully grow without limitations and allow us to coexist, learn and be amazed as children fill our soul and spirit and encourage us to keep our efforts to share.
It is amazing to see these beautiful people who have been through major surgeries, illnesses, losses, disappointments, and sadness, have fun while decorating their goal posters and saying they forgot about them, but now they realize they can and want to pursue them again. Like Doña Irma, she has always dreamed of starting a bakery because she loves to bake bread, and today she is ready to see her dream come true like others who also want their projects to become a reality.
Or like Doña Linda, for example, for 45 years, her life was gray and lightless until she felt Light in fullness the day her husband filed for divorce, or like Don Pedro, who said he feels fulfillment and Light when his children visit him and wishes they could come often. Then you realize the impact Lesson 3, “The Light” has made on them, and they feel encouraged to express their desires, moments, and yearnings.
So, they look forward to our weekly sessions with excitement and joy, eager to share how their week went, practice what they have learned, and desire to learn more. Everyone is enthusiastic about working as a team while earning stars, and it creates such an atmosphere that I stop seeing them as seniors but as if I was with my kids.
If you have the opportunity, I would like to invite you to take the SFK Programs, “Winning The Game of Life,” and “Exploring the Journey of Life,” to the children, teenagers, adults, and seniors in your community. The SFK programs have no age limit for living, learning, changing, and making a difference in their lives. So we can reach more people and places and make this world a better place.
It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.
Wake up the magic in you!
It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.
Wake up the magic in you!

by Almen Rojas
by Almen Rojas
Spanish Language
Facilitator Trainer
Spanish Language
Facilitator Trainer