The Geode-Breaking Contest

Staying confident in ourselves isn’t easy, especially when our peers are less than supportive or even purposely challenging us. In this short animation, you and your child can witness one brave frog keep going despite all the efforts of his animal peers to discourage him. We all can use a loving reminder of how powerful we are!
After watching the video:
To help your children understand the lesson in the Geode-Breaking contest video, you can ask them the following questions:
- What kind of words did the hecklers in the crowd shout at the animal competitors?(discouraging, insulting, mean, hurtful, rude, etc.)
- How do you think it affected the competitors? What must they feel?(They got distracted, became insecure, and began to doubt their ability)
- What happened to them after hearing and believing those words?(They eventually gave up)
- What helped the frog win the race?(The frog had earplugs, and he didn’t hear what the hecklers were shouting, so he could keep his mind focused on the task, and he managed to break the geode.)
- What can we learn from the frog?(When other people or our inner Opponent voice discourage us from believing in ourselves and achieving our goals, we have a choice to listen and believe it or not. Instead, we can take a breath and focus on hearing our True Voice, the voice that always encourages us to do our best and make us feel good, safe, and capable.