What is Spiritual Intelligence? How is it different from Emotional Intelligence?

What is Spiritual Intelligence? How is it different from Emotional Intelligence?

In the last decade, there has been significant progress in the education system and parenting, understanding its importance, and the teachings of Emotional intelligence.

Acknowledging the need to express all emotions, name them, and give them space and compassion; and learning the skills to have agency on how to react while feeling them. But as powerful as it is, managing our emotions doesn’t answer all a human’s needs. We have a spirit, an inherent essence of power and goodness that needs to be understood, acknowledged, and tapped into to feel whole, connected, and safe in the world. Helping children know and connect to this part of them creates a deep sense of belonging and an inner campus that leads to inner strength.

That’s why in SFK, we focus on emotional and spiritual intelligence.


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Join our mailing list to get articles, news and practical tips on how to develop spiritual and emotional intelligence for the whole family.

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