4 steps to manage reactive behaviors

4 steps to manage reactive behaviors

Telling a parent to “stop overreacting” seems simple… NOT!⁠
Many parents were never shown a positive model for controlling emotions and reactions when they were growing up. 🤯⁠

⬇️ Now is our chance to show the next generation a more positive approach!⁠

If you’re looking for some extra help managing your reactive behaviors, try this: ⁠
🛑 Stop.⁠
🌬 Take a deep breath ⁠
🔨 Ask for help ⁠
🤝 Share your feelings.⁠

For more help dealing with emotions and reactions with our kids, check out our Parenting the Soul program, designed to help raise your consciousness while raising your children.⁠


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Join our mailing list to get articles, news and practical tips on how to develop spiritual and emotional intelligence for the whole family.

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