SFK in Africa
October 2022 Update
in Africa
October 2022 Update
The mission of the SFK facilitator is to help young adults recognize how their assumptions shape their understanding of the world and why they develop certain behaviors. Based on new understandings, they can improve their skills and perform at a higher level in school and their professional lives.
After the launch of the Winning of the Game of life summer program in Benin and Togo, we are thrilled to report that this program is the Key to Unlocking Youth’s Potential and Empowering young adults or students.
In addition to value-based education, the SFK certification program allows our facilitators to go through their own transformation and make a difference in their community.
The testimonials are really promising, in less than 5 weeks, Geriele at the school Christophe Colomb in Benin is proud to mention that she went through a real transformation by deciding to listen to her true voice and let her Light qualities shine.
The testimonials are really promising, in less than 5 weeks, Geriele at the school Christophe Colomb in Benin is proud to mention that she went through a real transformation by deciding to listen to her true voice and let her Light qualities shine.
Her friend and facilitator confirmed that she showed great behavioral improvements.
Christoph Colomb School
in Benin, Africa
Book donation at Christoph Colomb School
We support Literacy
September was Basic Education and Literacy month. Although we wish to introduce more children to the SFK life-changing program, we want to ensure that all children in the communities that we work with have access to quality education. The kids at Christophe Colomb have enjoyed the books donated.
in Togo, Africa
Kids taking the SFK Program, Level 1: Winning the Game of Life
With growing division and adversity, and increasing rates of teen depression, suicide, and school shootings, young people everywhere need help more than ever to learn and adopt the positive values, attitudes, and self-regard necessary to navigate their lives successfully.
Parents expect schools to teach values to their kids, but teachers are already working to their maximum capacity in school systems set up to teach knowledge, and thus students’ exposure to values is greatly compromised, if it exists at all.
Our mission is to provide a response to the parents’ and students’ needs by supporting schools in taking the burden off of teachers by increasing the menu of extra-curricular classes and offering an added value to students’ mental health and professional career.
Additionally, we have created 5 job opportunities with the SFK certification program.
I strive to raise funds to address educational challenges identified during our rollout and build a more resilient educational system.

Pascale Sossah
Ambassador to Africa/French
Facilitator Trainer