Outreach update: SFK in Peru

Outreach update: SFK in Peru

We are excited to share our latest outreach initiative from Peru!

The SFK program is now being taught in IE 6063 “José Carlos Mariátegui” school, reaching 225 students across eight classrooms.

Our dedicated SFK Certified Facilitator, Jossely Alarcon, is on-site four days a week, delivering Level One: Winning in the Game of Life™ to two classrooms daily from 8 am to 12 pm. The students’ transformative response to the program has been truly remarkable.

In Jossely’s own words:

“The SFK lessons are not just teaching the children life skills, they are helping them foster healthy interactions with empathy and better conflict resolution skills. I have personally witnessed how it helps them develop self-esteem.

These lessons also benefit the school teachers, who learn new vocabulary and use the concept in their regular school lessons. For myself, it helps me shine my Light and let my inner child play to make each lesson fun and engaging for the children.

I am blessed to continue to be a channel for bringing and teaching the SFK programs, and I hope that many more children will benefit from them in the future.”

Hear what Jossely has to say about teaching SFK to children:

Hear what Jossely has to say about teaching SFK to children:

If you feel called to be part of this mission and bring SFK to more communities worldwide, please consider donating, becoming an ambassador, or becoming an SFK Certified Facilitator.


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